• Contact Number : 7842317873
  • Location : Plot no 120, 3rd floor, X roads, above Global Eye Hospital, Narsingi, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500086

Tooth Extraction Instructions (DO's & DON'T s)

When you've had a tooth removed (extracted), you need to take care of your mouth. Doing certain things, even on the first day, may help you feel better and heal faster.

10 D0's You should follow to heal your mouth,

  1. Use cotton pack on the extraction site provided by the dentist to stop the bleeding.
  2. Apply ice pack on affected area from outside.
  3. Take medications as prescribed.
  4. Gargle gently with warm saltwater after 24 hours.
  5. Eat soft, cold, and healthy foods like smoothies, rice or porridge.
  6. Drink plenty of liquids.
  7. Rest/sleep well with elevated head.
  8. Gentle brush on non-operated side as instructed by your dentist.
  9. Follow the instructions provided by your dentist.
  10. Shift to solid food after a week.

10 DON'T s  You should follow to heal your mouth.

  1. Don't spit for at least initial 24 hours of procedure.
  2. Keep your tongue away from the extraction site.
  3. Don't drink alcohol or use alcoholic mouthwash for 5 days.
  4. Avoid Aspirin and consult your dentist before taking any medicine.
  5. Don't take part in activities that involve intense physical contact or jarring motions.
  6. Avoid using straw.
  7. Avoid blowing your nose or sneezing.
  8. Avoid vigorous mouth rinse for 48 hour.
  9. Avoid brushing around the extraction.
  10. Avoid hard foods like nuts & sticky foods like caramels. 


1. After a Tooth Extraction: Caring for Your Mouth. Available at https://www.saintlukeskc.org/health-library/after-toolh-extraction-caring-your-moulh (Last accessed Hay 20231 I

2. The Oo's and Don'ls After Tooth Extraction: Post-Op Care. Available al hltps://soundviewfami~denlal.com/blog/lhe-dos-and-donls-afler·loolh·extraclion-post-op-care/ (Last accessed Hay 2023) I

3. 16 foods to eat after getting a wisdom tooth extraction. Available al https://easlrosedenlal.com/en/16-foods-to-eat-after-gelling-a-wisdom-toolh-extraclion.html (Last accessed Hay 2023).1 4. Oo's and Oon'ts After Tooth Extraction. Available al: htlps://www.trudenlistryaustin.com/do-and-donts-before-and-afler-loolh-extraction/ (Accessed on June 20231 I

Keywords:Post Dental Extraction instructions ,Wisdom Tooth Extractions instructions,Do's & Don't s after surgical extraction,what to do after extraction of tooth ?
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